This evening we will be starting the two day holiday of Shavuos, celebrating the giving of the Torah by G-d, to the Jewish people at Mt. Sinai, 3332 years ago.
Since that day when we all stood at Sinai, we have studied and cherished this greatest gift. The Torah is everlasting, and as our guide for life it provides us each with clear meaning and purpose. Each year on Shavuos we accept the Torah once again. When G-d was about to give the Torah, He wanted to know who would be its guarantors? Who would ensure that it would be studied and fulfilled, and transmitted from generation to generation and not just lost and forgotten. The Sages, the Priests, the scholars and wise men, all committed to ensuring its eternity. But G-d was not convinced. Not until Moses said that the children would guarantee its fulfillment and continuation. So as we celebrate Shavuos from home this year, and re-accept this greatest gift from G-d, let us each commit to studying a bit more Torah, and ensuring its continuation for further generations. If we study and teach it, our children will guarantee it.
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January 2025